I would like to take this moment to say that I can't believe how amazing my teammates are. How did I get so lucky to ride along side these wonderful people? Stu, you saved me. Thanks for the water when the aid station wasn't there. When I couldn't eat anything because my mouth was so dry and you gave me your water bottle to wash down my food, I knew then that I was apart of something special. That was the best part of my entire 9 hours and 59 minutes of racing. And Jeff, for pushing and encouraging me and Laura, making believe that it was all possible. THANKS!!! And of course, for Alpine Orthopeadics for making it possible, for letting me have the opportunity to even start the race.
So, now you know how I feel you need to know what I did. It was the Breckenridge 100. Which is a sweet 100 miles mt bike race in Breckenridge, CO. Any time you think you want to race a 100 miles on your mt bike and you hear about the Leadville 100 remember this, it sucks compared to the Breck 100. You could either ride 100 miles on a road (in Leadville ) or you could ride sweet single track and mt passes in the Breck 100. Which, of course, is what I did. We do three different loops, the first one topping out at 12,500 feet on single track with a sweet little steep sketchy decent. More single track back to the pit area. Next is the lap with 4,600 feet of climbing, which keeping in mind means you get to descend 4,600 feet. Part of which is the famous Colorado Trail. Then the last lap over another pass to Como with a steep climb but lots of single track and one impossible long (at least for that time in the race) climb back to the pass for the FINAL descent. Yep, there are such things as final descents and they are things of beauty and wonder and all things good. And that is just how I felt when I knew it was all downhill for a little more than 8 miles.
And then the finish line. Ahhhhh. What a wonderful site. And as it worked out I was able to pull off a first place.
So here's to great weekends in the mountains with Great Friends and Teammates.