Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010
quick wildflower update
The AO pro team had a great result this weekend with Travis winning the pro men category. The AO team also scored wins in the wildcat men catedory and a fifth place in CAT 1 19-29. Here are some shots of Travis on his way up to the podium:
The junior team did not have the strongest opening race with only half the team at the race (the rest of the team had prior commitments), and during the race TJ had a double flat and was pulled then Pete got up close and personal with a tree on the course and had a injured shoulder for the rest of the race (however, he still pulled out a great finish and was right up at the front of the pack).
That is the short version of what occured at the Wildflower Rush; wait for the full version of what happened this weekend from Dave Ochs.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Teva Mtn Games and Angel Fire - MSC #3
Our Downhill rider Teo Bradbury had a good start in the preliminary runs down in Angel Fire, but wound up tangling up with a rock and kissing a tree on the run that counted. The downhill phenom bent his bars, but he walked away un-harmed, and is glad to have the first one out of the way. You always need one race to get the race back in ya', so Teo's psyched to be into the season and looking forward to the next race, MSC #4 - the Wildflower Rush here in CB.
Angel Fire MSC
It was a hot one down in Angel Fire New Mexico for the third stop of the MSC with race start temperatures between 80 and 90 degrees. However, that did not stop new club rider Stewart from taking a huge lead in the first lap of the CAT 2 19-29 race and holding on to it for a win (by several minutes!). Big props to Stew for kicking some butt at Angel fire in the sweltering heat.
Yours truly (Tim Curry) did not deal with the heat as well. At the end of the first lap i was sitting comfortably in second feeling awsome and then the heat got to me. At the beginning of lap 2 I found one of the nasty side effects of hot weather called heat exhaustion and, in turn, dropped like a rock to a finish in 12th. Guess thats what happens when you go from riding in 60-70 degrees to a race at 90 degrees.
Congrats again Stewart on the big win and photos from the race will be posted as soon as i get them!
CBMBA Budd Trail workday
The AO riders that weren't racing at the Teva Mountain Games and Angel Fire (MSC#3) were there in force, we had Junior's helping out there, and a great day with great trail education was had.
AO's famed trail maker, and creator of many a classic trail at Hartman's Rocks was on hand to help out in the preceding weeks to get the best line we could out there. Thanks Jeff for helping CBMBA and the time you gave!